Rankings: How They Work

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Performance Based Entry (AJGA)ajga

Until 2003, the American Junior Golf Association used the strength of an application and resume to determine entry into its elite tournaments. Now it uses a system called the Performance Based Entry (PBE). By competing in PBE-recognized tournaments, players have an opportunity to earn “status” with the AJGA and potentially qualify for an AJGA event.

The following are the three status categories:

  • Fully Exempt: Players in this category have first priority into all AJGA Open events and earn it by having a top finish at a top-tier national tournament. (Generally about 20% of tournament spots are filled by Fully Exempt players).
  • Tournament Exemptions: Players in this category have the next level of priority into events (and players with multiple exemptions outrank players with one exemption). They earn this status with a top finish at a state or regional tournament (and some national events). (Generally about 60% of tournament spots are filled by players at this status level).
  • Performance Stars: Players in this category have the lowest priority in tournament entry, but have the possibility of improving their status. Four performance stars for boys, three for girls, earns a jump to Tournament Exemption status. A player earns a star upon joining the AJGA, and high school juniors earn two stars upon joining. Other stars are earned based on finishes in PBE events. (Generally about 20% of tournament spots are filled by players from this status level).

Players trying to earn entry into AJGA tournaments can improve their status by competing in PBE-recognized events on other junior tours. Another way for players to improve their status is to participate in AJGA Qualifiers which gives them an opportunity to qualify for a specific tournament, or earn a Tournament Exemption to increase their status for a later event. More info.



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